Monday, December 23, 2013

Diet. Day 1. & a Detox water.

So, my detox water doesn't look very appealing..  it's okay though. I have heard all these stories about the fruit detox waters. I don't like mint or cucumber, so I kinda made my own with oranges, kiwi and a little lime juice. I also had to add just a little splenda, cuz it wasn't sweet at all... and since this is day one of no soda's for me, I needed a lil oompf. However, its not so bad. I kinda wanna dig the oranges out and eat them.. but seeing as how I am not a water drinker, I should leave them for flavor.

Day 1. I made a pot roast for my family, but since today was the first day of my cleanse, I didn't eat any. It smelled soooooooo freakin yummy though. I was good and brought a salad to work with me with some grilled chicken. I apparently thought I would be starving though, cause I also brought a banana with some almond butter, some rice cakes, and 16 animal crackers. (ok the animal crackers were just me wanting sweets.)  Since I started drinking the fruit water, I haven't had an appetite, so all that stuff still remains uneaten. Go me! :) 

Also, my fitness-freak of a husband has promised me a good workout tonight. Not that kind, you dirty minded freakos. An actual workout.. in our home gym. Considering I am the worst workout buddy in the world, we will see how this goes.

My snacking buddy isn't at work tonight, so that helps! Ugh, I hate diets. I want some candy.

I know this probably sounds really dumb, but I am super excited for next payday, and the payday after that. Not because I want to spend... actually, I do want to spend by sticking to my get-outta-debt plan. I am ready to start crossing stuff off my list. I am ready to start 2014 by becoming debt free. One of the main reasons I started blogging again was to inspire people to better themselves. Also, I use to love blogging, and I want my life back. I have this image in my head telling me that if I write about it, knowing people will read it will motivate me. I will want to do better knowing I have an audience. Thats why I have challenged myself to not only get myself healthy, but my financial life as well.

Random thought; I have 15 days till I apply to bridge!!!!!!! 2 weeks and 1 motha-truckin day!!! Then comes my gruesome 2 month wait to find out if they love me. Then, to make my anxiety WORSE, 2 of my amazing friends are applying with me... so not only am I going to worry for myself getting accepted, but I will worry for them too. We have to get in together. We are the 3 amigos. It's literally going to break my heart if all of us don't go in this together. We have done this whole process together so far, we have to finish it together.

I guess I'm going to get going for now. I'm going to go eat my boring salad and talk myself out of going to get a soda. teehee.

I can do this. It's only day 1!! hahahaha

By the way, did you know you could eat 16 animal crackers and its only 120 calories? The chocolate ones and the frosted ones dont count. I tried to weasle that concept in. My husband is sometimes too smart for his own dang good.

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