Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Homeschooling Blunders.

I make it no secret that I homeschool my daughter. I love doing it. I want to be able to do it until high-school, but she desperately wants to go back to school. I know it is because she wants and needs time for friends. She never wanted to go back while we were going to Co-op. But, since I work so much now, we just don't have time for that. Maybe once I get out of school, we can do it again. I would rather keep her in home-schooling. She is super smart.
One quirk about my Jaida-bear is that she loves gaming. She is definitely her fathers daughter. Those 2 share a huge desk with 2 computers side by side. If I let them, they would be on the computer forever. She tells me if I got her a chair that converted to a toilet and had a place for snacks, she would never get up. As much as I hate that, I have to admit, it has really taught her quite a bit. In first grade, she had a hard time spelling. Now, the girl can spell almost anything I throw out at her. She learned a huge amount from Minecraft, and has already beaten the game "Skyrim." She's quite a kid. She tells me stories about dragons, trolls, and giants. Her imagination is amazing. She has to use money in these games, and learn to make money to buy things. So, she can count well and talks about purchases. She talks about places from Minecraft, and has learned to follow rules, learned about government and how to talk to people. 
As much as I hate the fact she is a gamer, I love that she has learned so much. Her vocabulary is great. One of my favorite things is when I read to her about a place, and she already knows a little about it from one of her games. Games have also made her an excellent reader. In first grade, we had some issues, but now she reads a level above what she is suppose to. 
I guess I can't say much. Her dad is exceptionally smart. He has been a gamer for MANY many years. At first I hated it. But it is a way of life for him it seems, so I have come to accept it. Now it is a part of our daughter. I knew she was something special when Daniel had her on the computer at 4. She beat the game "Plants vs Zombies" by HERSELF. At age 4. I had her playing on starfall.com, but she whizzed through those activities, so Daniel got her gaming. 
And that brings us to today. See, I mentioned that I homeschool Jaida. Well, the program we use is Calvert. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it. Most people think of homeschooling being for religious people, and all about the Bible. I am not religious at all. In fact, I do not like most of the religion based homeschool curriculum's because they do not teach Science. Calvert was one of the only secular curriculum's that I liked. I am a very organized person, and Calvert gives you all the books and materials you need with a teachers manual that tells you what to teach each day, what materials to use, and so on. Calvert had everything I was looking for. I don't even mind paying $1400 every year. I don't have to pay for lunches, I don't have to buy school supplies and I don't have to worry about bullying or any of that other school mess. So, it really was a win-win for me. 
Anyway, included in her homeschool curriculum is a keyboarding class. I know Jaida probably doesn't need the keyboarding class since she plays so much on the computer, but I want her to know the right way to type. So I make her do the lessons. After all, the curriculum cost $1400. ha. 
Jaida thinks she is too smart for this 3rd grade keyboarding class. She probably is. But, she has to do it anyway. Here is how todays lesson transpired.

At first, I am the meanest mom ever. She says, "I shouldn't have to do this baby stuff. I totally surf youtube and chat on minecraft. I even beat Skyrim. This is so dumb."

Then comes the, "Oh. Em. Gee. Mom. Look how babified this stuff is! I can't believe 3rd graders don't already know this crap." 

Then, I make a game out of it. I tell her if she can type everything on the exercises they are giving her WITHOUT looking at the keyboard, I'll give her a dollar. 

I can't believe she freakin did it. So, she tells me, "IN YO FACE!!!" 

I guess she told me. 
So then, when we are done with the lesson, I have to turn her desk on its side. Otherwise, my 1 year old will climb and try to do some Evil Kin-evil type stuff. So, I come back into to office to find this:

Apparently both of my children have amazing imaginations.

Best. Kids. Ever.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

Goodbye 2013!

Today is the last day of 2013. I still can't believe I am saying that. It seriously feels like JUST YESTERDAY I was kissing 2012 goodbye and welcoming 2013. Time really does fly!
I have been reading every one's New Year's Resolutions on Facebook (cause I am a fb junkie) and lots of people are resoluting (hehehehehe) to lose weight or work out. I haven't seen anybody wanting to better their financial situations. I have seen posts about people resolving (I think its resolving.. I know for sure its not resoluting!... darn tootin. Sorry, I had to.) to spend more time with family and make more time for friends. I personally think I will also do this. I realize the last year and a half, I have pushed many people away due to my depression, I have lost happy moments with people due to my jealousy of their uterus, and lost so many people I had in my life at the beginning of this year. I want to change that. So, here are the things I plan to do in 2014:

Aside from my financial goals, which I will include at the end, I wish to accomplish this in 2014:

  • I want to work out at least 3 times a week.
  • I will stick to my dieting to be at least 30lbs down by my birthday party in September.
  • TRY to meal plan. I said try. I tried once before, that stuff is overwhelming.
  • I will make more time for family and friends.
  • I will get into nursing school to further my education.
  • I want to get Jaida completely caught up in home-schooling. 
  • Go on dates with my husband. We haven't done that in a LONG time.
  • Take my kids on more vacations. And by more, I mean at least one. We haven't had a family vacation together since long before the baby was born. I'm talking 2011 was our last. 
Financial goals for 2014:
  • Stay caught up. Actually, I'd like to be 1 payment ahead on my home and car at all times.
  • Pay off my HOA. 
  • Pay off all the credit cards we own. 
  • Pay off my 2 loans. They are awful. 
  • Get my pool paid off! 
  • By the end of the year, all I want to pay for is my mortgage, my car and my silly joke College Network loan. I don't really WANT to pay that last one, but I have to. 
  • Have at least $10,000 in savings. 
I hope this remains easy! By the end of 2014, I hope to have all these things checked off. I am a human though, so I am sure to stumble along the way. 
Here's to being better today that I was yesterday! Happy New Years everyone!!! 2014 is about change. I am making 2014 MY year, what are some of y'alls goals?!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I cheated...

I am a bad, bad girl. I ate Wing Stop for dinner. Angela made me do it!!!!  She force fed me while I gagged and cried. Just kidding. It was actually my idea. *head hung in shame.* I figured since I had done so well with my diet this whole week, it would be okay to splurge a little. The devil side of my conscience told me I deserved it, and that if I didn't splurge from time to time, I would get burnt out. So I did it. I ate 2 boneless wings, some fries with ranch AND drank a Dr. Pepper. Yes, you read right. I have done so well in not drinking soda. I am so disappointed in myself. I have to make sure to work out extra hard tonight.
Man, that was difficult to admit! I will say, in my defense, that I took Carb-Ease before chowing down. So, I will most definitely regret eating all of it later.
On the finance side of blog-land, I have shared my Budget worksheet with 3 of my friends. I have gotten a handful of emails telling me how I inspired them to do the same. My friends have started creating their "plans" and ordering the Dave Ramsey book. Go me!
I never realised how many people actually had debt like me. I always thought my situation was awful, and I was ashamed of it. I see now that there is nothing to be ashamed of. I can only go up from here, and it will make me a stronger and better person in the end. It takes being at the bottom to respect things when you reach the top. I am FAR from the top. I'm barely a smidgen from the bottom, but I am getting there. It makes me happy to know I can share information with people and inspire them to become debt free with me.
Since I started dieting and working out (those long 6 days ago....) I have started to wake up earlier. I really like that. I get to spend more time with my kids before work. Jaida is getting caught up with her home-schooling, Thor is getting more mommy time, and my house work is getting done. It's really taking away some of the stress I had. Maybe next thing I can work on is my sons sleep schedule, cause that boy hates to sleep. Kinda reminds me of another Blessing baby I knew....... *ahem.. Jaida ahem...*
Speaking of school work, we have 9 days till we apply.
75 days until our letters determine our fate...
and... 153 days until the first day of nursing school. (well, technically, it will be my 2nd first day of nursing school AND only if I get accepted.)
Not like I am counting or anything!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A little peeved..

I am a little peeved at my husband today. I got everything organized for our new year's budget, have a set area for all of my budgeting things, and my plan (btw, I have already crossed 2 things from my "plan.") I even showed him all the things, and told him money would be tight for awhile, and that he needed to clear all of his purchases with me. I told him I would leave him money in his personal account so he can buy his red bulls and pay for his game subscriptions.
Yesterday, he tells me he needs more whey protein. The one he gets is about 60 bucks. He is a health/fitness fanatic, so I told him we could order it when we get paid next, but that's it.

Here is where the story gets interesting. Last night, he left a whole giant cup of water by his computer ALONE with our 15 month old son. Needless to say, his gaming keyboard took a bath, and it no longer functions. The gaming keyboard cost about $150. Good thing is that we had just bought an extra "regular" keyboard for Jaida before Christmas. Her computer isn't hooked up yet, so it was not being used. He is now using it, but its not good enough. He started telling me that we needed to spend another $150 to buy a new gaming keyboard with the next check AND his whey protein. I told him with everything I have already agreed to pay, that would leave us $80 until we were paid again 2 weeks later. He was fine with that. Uhm... I'm not okay with that.
He was irresponsible in leaving his 16 oz cup of water beside his computer while leaving our son unsupervised. Our family should not have to suffer without money due to his neglect! I tried to reason with him, but he doesn't see my point. I gave him the option of getting one or the other and letting me budget for the other WHEN WE COULD AFFORD IT COMFORTABLY. He doesn't think this is fair. I say he should be okay with using the regular keyboard for one month, and letting me budget it into our list for next month. This month I am trying to pay off things that are past due. If he gets both the whey and the keyboard, which he is insisting, our family is left with $80 for 2 weeks. I agreed to buy his whey protein with our next check that is coming up. How is this not fair?

Do you think I am being to strict? I need input.

Gamers. Can't live with them. Can't live without em.

Friday, December 27, 2013

I'm a stalker...

I think I have a new addiction. Personal finance blogs. It's comforting knowing other people are experiencing the same things I am... and I don't feel so alone. I see the success people are having, and it makes me want to work harder to achieve my own goals. I think my personal favorite blog is Girl Meets Debt. I love love love reading her stories and seeing how far she has come. I also really like Michelle's Finance Journal because she not only blogs about her finances, but also her yearly goals and all kinds of life posts. That's kinda what my blogs are about.... a little about my finance journey, a little about my weight loss, and a mix of other stuff.

I can't believe this year is over. It really seems like just yesterday I was saying the same about 2012. Man, my mom was sure right when she told me life flies by after you turn 21. I guess you spend all your childhood waiting for certain dates, and it seems like it takes forever. I remember saying I couldn't wait to be 16. It took forever! Then, I couldn't wait to be 18. That year was the year I decided to run away to Georgia to be with the love of my life. I was almost 19, but I spent most of 18 in a terrible relationship with someone way too old for me, and saving money once me and Daniel reconnected. I couldn't wait to be with him. Those months took forever. Looking back, it happened rather quickly. I never got excited to be 21 though, by this time Daniel and I were expecting out first child, and I was breastfeeding on my 21st birthday. I couldn't think of anything I wanted more. I have spent the rest of my 20's with the man I met when I was 14, the one I knew I would marry. We got married in 2007 while I was 22, and I started nursing school that year as well. We bought our first house at 25, and had our second (and last) child 3 days after I turned 28. My 20's have honestly been a blast. I have learned so much from my mistakes and grown from them. My marriage is stronger than ever. As much as I dread turning 30, I know in my heart the best is yet to come, and as long as I have Daniel and our 2 children, everything will be okay.
So far, I have to say my 20's have been the best years of my life. I lost a few friends, lost some family, but gained so much more.
Ok, enough of the moosh-moosh, on to another squashing matter. Weight. (teehee, squash... weight, see what I did there?!)
I didn't get to work out last night, as my energizer bunny son would not go to sleep. So I am forcing Daniel to work out with me tonight. I made myself stay off the scale today, I don't want to be discouraged if I didn't lose anything. I have been eating REALLY good and not drinking anything but water. Sometimes I use Crystal-Lite to flavor my water, but for the most part, its just plain old H2O. I can feel a difference, though. It's amazing how soda can make you feel bad without you even knowing. Prior to my water kick, I drank Dr. Pepper from the time I woke up, till the time I went to sleep. Being a nurse I should know better. I didn't realize how yucky I felt till now. I guess I have detoxed my body from soda, because now I am not as tired, I don't feel as bloated, and I just feel "better." I can't lie, I still crave the sugar from the soda, but I refuse to give in to temptation! I am hoping that by the end of my challenge, I don't crave sodas anymore. We will see how that goes!

SN: 11 days till I apply to the bridge. I can't wait!!! I have all of my things in a need little envelope waiting to be turned in. I am not sure what I will do once I turn everything in. I have had a countdown to the day we bridge going for months. I recently added a countdown until letters are mailed. After January 7, I guess I will do a countdown till letters, and a countdown till school starts. ha. Thats just me being hopeful that I get accepted. Who could turn down a person named Summer Blessing?!  Really? Only a heartless person!
Here's to 2014!!! My year!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 4! And the beginning......

I cheated a little this morning when I woke up. I desperately wanted to see if I was making any progress on my diet. I have. Today is day 4, and I have lost 4 pounds! If only I could keep up with losing a pound a day, I'd be set!
Hubbs and I will be working out legs tonight, so I am semi-excited about that. I hate working out arms. I know it will benefit me more in my job if I strengthen the muscles in my arms, but for the first few days, my arms are like sore jello. It's pretty sad that I can't even do 2 pushups. Yes, thats right. I can't even do 2. I am a failure!!
I was never overweight as a kid. I was super athletic and in to everything. It wasn't until my daughter was born that I gained all of my weight. I became a fat, lazy blob. Then, when nursing school happened.... well, it was the most stressful and complicated time of my life, and I found comfort in snacking on yum-yums. Those yum yums have gotten me about 50 pounds overweight. 50 pounds that I want to lose!! I am on a mission now. If my super thin hubbs can lose 90 pounds in 1 year, I can lose 50. I am making him hold me accountable.
I actually had the day off today. It was nice. I was pretty lazy, honestly. Sometimes we need to be a little lazy. I did have the house picked up, but once my son woke up, he whipped out his Christmas prezzies and blew that all to heck. Now it once again looks like there was a toy explosion in my living room. I'll procrastinate on cleaning up until he is asleep. Cleaning the house while kids are awake is like brushing your teeth with Oreos. I love that saying. It's so true.
One thing that I did manage to do today was call and schedule payments for the 2 bills I have past due. Next paycheck is going to be tight as I have my mortgage to pay, my car payment, our cell phones and catching up on 2 bills I didn't get a chance to pay this month.
I made myself a payment calendar to remind me of what is due for the entire month of January, and when I would be paying extra on a specific thing. First things first, pay off the late bills. I love having a plan and sticking to it.
I can't believe that in 12 days I will be applying for the bridge. I am so nervous/excited/not sure how to feel! I keep forgetting that class starts for my other classes on January 21, so I will have that to keep me occupied until our acceptance letters get sent.
I wish I could fast forward to March 14, be 30 pounds lighter and get my acceptance letter NOW.

Patience is not my virtue.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays!!!!

I would just like to say, as much as I love the holidays, I am sooooo glad they are over. Well technically its still Christmas as we speak, but the presents have been opened, and our bellies have been stuffed. I actually did really good with eating today. I thought I would gorge myself like a stuffed pig, but I ate in moderation, and only had a few bites of cake. I made sure I took my Carb-Ease before eating, and boy did it work! I love that stuff. You take it directly before a carby meal, and it blocks carbs from being absorbed in your body, and you poop them out. Its fabulous.
My kids really enjoyed opening presents. My daughter has not put down her 3DS yet. My son was perfectly content unwrapping his presents and playing with the boxes. They really had a great day. I am so glad. I remember, before I became a nurse, there were times I worried I wouldn't be able to afford food, let alone presents. I am so glad my son came after nursing school, because there would be no way we could have afforded 2 kids at the time. Having him at 28 made a huge difference. We had Jaida right after we both turned 20, and we struggled. Plus, she taught us so much about being parents. We have so much more patience now. I feel as if I have the best 2 kids ever, but I am sure that is how every parent feels. I have so many dates to look forward to. First, I am so excited for next pay day so I can start my debt repayment journey. I can't really think of a time I have been excited to pay off debt. I have read so many personal finance blogs, read and reread my Dave Ramsey book and done so much research on the topic, I am freakin pumped to begin my journey. Secondly, I apply to the nursing bridge program in 13 days!!! I am excited for that day to get here, but anxious toward the fact once I turn in my application, I have to wait till March 14 to get my acceptance/denial letter. That is going to be the most horrible wait. At least I have my friends to endure it with me, as they are applying at the same time! We will just have to keep each other busy. I thought about getting a gym membership, then I remembered I was on a debt-free journey. Short term memory loss at its finest.
Today was the 3rd day of my 24 day challenge. I don't feel like I have made much progress yet. By the 3rd day of my first challenge, I had lost 4 lbs. I don't think I've lost but 2 so far. I think I need to step up my game. I did work out yesterday with my hubbs. We did shoulders and arms. I was hoping to work out again today, but he ate himself into a food coma. Maybe he will wake up in a little while, and we can work out a little more. Every little bit counts, right?
I think I am going to get off here for a bit and clean up my living room. It looks like a tornado threw up in there.
Until next time!
SN: if anyone is on a diet, and struggles with eating carby type meals/snacks, Carb-Ease is awesome!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The dreaded D word. ...Debt.

Just like an alcoholic, there are steps to getting out of debt. One of the first steps is acknowledgment. When you actually write things down and face your issue, your "problem" really hits you in the face. You can see it first hand and realize you truly do have an issue. So, I am here to face my issue. I will acknowledge that I have an issue, and I will confront it head on.  Here goes nothing.


As of December 21, 2013, my debt load includes:
  • My mortgage. We currently owe $111,889
  • I also currently owe $400 to my HOA.
  • One car payment. We currently owe: $19067
  • I have a Victorias Secret card with a balance of $97
  • I have a Best Buy card with a balance of $279
  • I have a Target card with a balance of $161
  • I owe Finger Hut $1234
  • We have a joint Texell Credit Card with a balance of $1383
  • We have a joint Texell loan for our swimming pool, balance of $2300
  • 1 loan from Security Finance, balance of $1500
  • 1 loan with Family Loans, balance of $1000
  • My daughters 3rd grade homeschool balance $500
  • College Network (AKA HORRIBLE joke loan), balance of $6042

Wow. As I look at this, I realize how many terrible choices I made. I want to enter my 30's (eek, its coming up faster than I want!!) with none of these debts. The biggest mistakes I made was getting those 2 loans and using the College Network. They are a joke. Yet, even though I quit using their program, they would refund me. They are in active lawsuits with so many unsatisfied people. One thing I did learn with that experience is to never jump the gun again. I will always get my husbands input first. I should have done this with all of these things.

But, I have a plan.

The first thing I am going to do is pay off the HOA before they put a lein on our house. Lord knows thats the last thing I need!

I am also going to call about the College Network issue. I understand I will have to pay for this crap even though I do not use them anymore. But, before they report me off to the credit agencies, I need to pay for the month's payment I missed.

I will then pay off my Victoria's secret card, and lock it up. I should shred it or cut it into a million pieces, but I just haven't reached that stage in my baby steps program.

I'm then going to catch up on Finger Hut because they have HORRIBLE interest rates.

I will then pay off my Target card and put it away.

I'll follow that and pay of the Best Buy card.

Next I will pay off the Family Loan.

Hopefully soon after that, I will pay off the Security Finance Loan.

I will pay off pool next.

Then pay off our Texell Credit card.

Then, when all of that is done, I will sock money into our savings like there is no tomorrow.

The grand total of my debt as of December 2013: - $145,852

Broken down, it looks like this…
Mortgage: – $111,889
Car: - $19,067
Personal Crap: – $14,896

Scary stuff right?

At the end of every month I will keep you posted on my pay-off debt progress. Keep checking back for updates!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Diet. Day 1. & a Detox water.

So, my detox water doesn't look very appealing..  it's okay though. I have heard all these stories about the fruit detox waters. I don't like mint or cucumber, so I kinda made my own with oranges, kiwi and a little lime juice. I also had to add just a little splenda, cuz it wasn't sweet at all... and since this is day one of no soda's for me, I needed a lil oompf. However, its not so bad. I kinda wanna dig the oranges out and eat them.. but seeing as how I am not a water drinker, I should leave them for flavor.

Day 1. I made a pot roast for my family, but since today was the first day of my cleanse, I didn't eat any. It smelled soooooooo freakin yummy though. I was good and brought a salad to work with me with some grilled chicken. I apparently thought I would be starving though, cause I also brought a banana with some almond butter, some rice cakes, and 16 animal crackers. (ok the animal crackers were just me wanting sweets.)  Since I started drinking the fruit water, I haven't had an appetite, so all that stuff still remains uneaten. Go me! :) 

Also, my fitness-freak of a husband has promised me a good workout tonight. Not that kind, you dirty minded freakos. An actual workout.. in our home gym. Considering I am the worst workout buddy in the world, we will see how this goes.

My snacking buddy isn't at work tonight, so that helps! Ugh, I hate diets. I want some candy.

I know this probably sounds really dumb, but I am super excited for next payday, and the payday after that. Not because I want to spend... actually, I do want to spend by sticking to my get-outta-debt plan. I am ready to start crossing stuff off my list. I am ready to start 2014 by becoming debt free. One of the main reasons I started blogging again was to inspire people to better themselves. Also, I use to love blogging, and I want my life back. I have this image in my head telling me that if I write about it, knowing people will read it will motivate me. I will want to do better knowing I have an audience. Thats why I have challenged myself to not only get myself healthy, but my financial life as well.

Random thought; I have 15 days till I apply to bridge!!!!!!! 2 weeks and 1 motha-truckin day!!! Then comes my gruesome 2 month wait to find out if they love me. Then, to make my anxiety WORSE, 2 of my amazing friends are applying with me... so not only am I going to worry for myself getting accepted, but I will worry for them too. We have to get in together. We are the 3 amigos. It's literally going to break my heart if all of us don't go in this together. We have done this whole process together so far, we have to finish it together.

I guess I'm going to get going for now. I'm going to go eat my boring salad and talk myself out of going to get a soda. teehee.

I can do this. It's only day 1!! hahahaha

By the way, did you know you could eat 16 animal crackers and its only 120 calories? The chocolate ones and the frosted ones dont count. I tried to weasle that concept in. My husband is sometimes too smart for his own dang good.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Holy crap. I've gained a lot of weight. More than I realized, actually. It would be easy for me to sit here and blame it on my brothers death and my hectic school schedule, but I'm just going to admit I've been "fat-kid-status" for a little while now. I was doing so well after my first 24 day challenge. I still haven't gained ALL of that weight back. I lost 23 lbs during that challenge. I was kicking fat's butt! Then I got back into my old habits, and after Jack died, I ate and ate... then ate some more. Then came finals. In between this time though, I stocked up on candy at work, and got my soda kick back. Shameful.
I guess I didn't realize how MUCH I had gained until today. I'm too embarrassed to even post the numbers. So I ordered another 24 day challenge.

My first 24 day challenge was awesome. I was motivated and excited. I lost 23 lbs. I decided to do another 24 day challenge, and that one ended up not so great. First off, I got sick on day 2. Strep. (Thanks Angela, AKA strep wrangler) but then I just couldnt seem to get back into the swing of things. About a month later, I attempted ANOTHER challenge, only for my brother to die, and me to stop caring about everything except comfort foods. You know, all the sweets... the carbs.. all the bad stuff. AND soda. Lets not forget that.

This time, I am determined to make my challenge work again. Plus, I'm not gonna be like those sissies who make New Years Resolutions, cause I'm startin BEFORE New Years. See? I'm a go getter! I told yall 2014 would be my year to shine!

In case you haven't read my previous posts, I have decided that 2014 is gonna be the best year evvvaaaaaaa!
For one, I am going to lower my debt. By the end of 2014, I want to ONLY have my car payment and my mortgage. No more credit cards/loans/crap.
Also, I am going back to nursing school. (yes, I've already been once. No, I apparently don't remember the drama cuz I am super pumped to go back.)
I also plan on losing weight, and being 50 pounds lighter by my birthday in September. (By the way, my birthday party is gonna kick ass. I'm gonna turn 30 with a BANG by having a "Roaring 20's 30th Birthday Party." Flapper dresses, gangsta costumes and the works. I'll talk more about that later.
And last but not least, I plan to get my life in order. I want my life back. I am tired of being depressed. I am tired of not enjoying things. I want my pre-baby life back. I don't want to hate pregnant people. Maybe I'll even get back into photography. I'm working on getting back into couponing now. I lost complete interest in all of my favorite things when my uterus was stolen. Yes, it was stolen. I am working really hard to get over that. I want to be old Summer again.

So tomorrow will be a new day for a new me. I will start my 24 day challenge. I will work out (eww.) And, I will quit drinking sodas again. They are actually pretty terrible for you anyways.

Speaking of fat Summer, I just realized Christmas is in 3 days!!!!! I can't wait! I love watching my kids open presents and seeing the look on their faces. Plus, I'm getting prime rib for dinna. How many people can say that?!

Until next time!

All work and no play makes Summer a DULL girl.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

2014 Coupon Schedule

Please keep in mind these are subject to change!!
2014 Newspaper Insert Schedule
January Coupon Inserts
01/05/2014: (2) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
01/12/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
01/19/2014: (1) Smart Source
01/26/2014: (2) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
February Coupon Inserts
02/02/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
02/09/2014 (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
02/16/2014: (1) Redplum
02/23/2014: (1) Smart Source
March Coupon Inserts
03/02/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
03/09/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
03/16/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
03/23/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
03/30/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
April Coupon Inserts
04/06/2014: (2) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
04/13/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
04/20/2014: No Inserts
04/27/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
May Coupon Inserts
05/04/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
05/11/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
05/18/2014: (1) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
05/25/2014: No Inserts
June Coupon Inserts
06/01/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
06/08/2014: (1) Smart Source
06/15/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
06/22/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
06/29/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
July Coupon Inserts
07/06/2014: (1) Procter and Gamble
07/13/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Purina
07/20/2014: No Inserts
07/27/2014: (2) Redplum, (2) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
August Coupon Inserts
08/03/2014: (2) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
08/10/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
08/17/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
08/24/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
08/31/2014: (1) Procter & Gamble
September Coupon Inserts
09/07/2014: (1) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
09/14/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
09/21/2014: (1) Smart Source
09/28/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
October Coupon Inserts
10/05/2014: (1) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
10/12/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
10/19/2014: (1) Smart Source, (1) Little TiKes
10/26/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source, (1) Procter and Gamble
November Coupon Inserts
11/02/2014: (1) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
11/09/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
11/16/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
11/23/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
11/30/2014: (1) Procter & Gamble
December Coupon Inserts
12/07/2014: (1) Redplum, (2) Smart Source
12/14/2014: (1) Redplum, (1) Smart Source
12/21/2014: No Inserts
12/28/2014: (1) Procter and Gamble

Dave Ramsey...... hmm.

I took some advice from my Aunt Pauly. She read Dave Ramsey's book, even attended some of his classes. She told me it changed her life.
I didn't really take this to heart until I got my life back on track. I decided to make this new year beneficial in several aspects of my life, one being becoming debt free.
So, I bought Dave Ramsey's book, "The Total Money Makeover."
It was very inspiring. Here I thought I was drowning, only to read that people with much more debt than I are now debt free.

So, Dave Ramsey has "baby steps" to follow. The first one involves planning, and creating a budget. I did that last night. Its really a slap in the face when you have to write down and actually LOOK at all of the debt you have accumulated. I cant imagine what it would be like to have more than 3 credit cards. The 3 I have all had very low limits, $200 to be exact. At the time, I was mad.. wondering why they wouldn't give me higher limits. Now, I am extremely grateful they didn't. Aside from my house, my car, those 3 small credit cards and 2 bank loans, we are doing well. My problem is that I spend money ALL the time. I am a sucker for a discount. So, while I am at work, if I happen to find a good deal, I buy it. I am going to have to learn to stop that.

I made a budget. I made a plan. I cannot wait to start crossing things off of my plan as I pay them off. I am also excited to see how much money I can save this year.
I placed a jar on top of my dryer to place loose change. I just started putting away 50-100 bucks each check into a savings. I am going to pretend I do not have that money, though.

Dave Ramsey said to start paying off your smallest debts first. So, I made a list of them with the amounts owed. I will pay off my first debt with my next paycheck.

I also made a list of all of my monthly and quarterly bills. (Quarterly being my HOA payment.)

I have a plan, and I will stick to it.

Here's to becoming debt free in 2014!!!

I'm back, and better than ever.

Well bloggerland, I am back. I realize that I left everyone in the dark during my pregnancy. At the time, I worked such crazy hours, I didn't have time to do much of anything, let alone blog. During my pregnancy, I was a home health pediatric nurse. Everything was going smoothly, until the kid I worked full time was adopted. This happened right before my daughters birthday. 1 week to be exact! After that, I went into work overload. I worked as many hours as I could, at multiple houses. Right before my son was born, I was working about 80+ hours a WEEK. My water actually broke at work, and I drove from harker heights to Temple to go to the hospital. Long story short, my beautiful heaven sent son was born September 4, 2012 at 4:32 am. That was one of the best days of my life.... until about an hour after he was born. I ended up losing my uterus and having an emergency hysterectomy to save my life. That day changed me. I died a little inside. It took a really long time for me to come to terms with what had happened. I became horribly depressed. I gained a ton of weight. I had to start going to counseling because I developed a hatred towards pregnant people. I knew I should be happy for them, and that I should be grateful for my 2 amazing kids, but I couldn't. I hated people that had what I could no longer have.
I started seeing a therapist and got put on some pretty high powered antidepressants. Up until recently, I had lost interest in all of my hobbies. I quit couponing *gasp!*, I stopped going to the gym, I stopped hanging out with friends, and I stopped blogging. During this dark period in my life, I really didn't want to do anything.
10 days after my son was born, I had to go back to work. You see, home health doesn't offer any maternity leave of any kind, So, every day I didn't work, I didn't make money. Thats really hard to do with a new baby. So, I put on my big girl panties, made sure my ugly stitches were always padded and covered, and went back to work. Only, this time I hated leaving for work. I hated driving to Killeen/Harker Heights and leaving my son. I didn't want to work 80+ hours anymore. So, I applied at the VA. I really wanted to work 3J Oncology. I figured it was a blessing, as I had always wanted to do Oncology, but when I had interviewed at S&W straight outta school, they wouldn't hire me due to my tubes not being tied. So, I tried to see the goodness in my hysterectomy. At first, I didn't get 3J. No interview or anything. However, I did interview for 3K, and was hired. So, I started orientation at the VA.
3 days into orientation, the nurse recruiter pulls me from the orientation classes and tells me 3J needs me, and asks if I want it. DUH!!! I believe was my response. I was so excited.
So, my 3J days began. The only downside to working there, is that I have to work 5 days a week. I feel like its home health all over again. I barely get time for anything.

Also during this time frame, I started going back to school. Talk about time consuming. I just finished my fall semester, and will be applying to TC for the bridge program on January 7. 17 days from now. (Not like Im counting though) 

Going to school and working was probably the worst time of my life. However, being on 3J has been amazing. I met my soulmate BFF. I'm serious. We are exactly the same person in different bodies. We have the same sense of humor, we like the same things and we act like we were raised together. She has helped me get through my horrible depression more than she realizes. Its hard for me to imagine a time where I didn't have Angela in my life. I feel like I have known her forever.
I have made some pretty awesome friends from 3J. I am truly blessed to have met all of them. I didn't realize at the time how special they really were, and how they seem to have been put in my life for a reason. Alot of them have also had hysterectomies, and it caused us to bond. They all have made my acceptance to this horrible event much easier. Also, the girls I work with have helped me to get past my hatred towards pregnant people. There are a few girls that want children and can have them, and I cant be anything but happy for them. This is a huge step since this time last year.
So my year of 2013 has been spent on 3J. My daughter turned 8... and I bawled my eyes out. My son turned 1, and I bawled my eyes out. I turned 29. (we arent gonna say what I did that day. It was worse than bawling my eyes out.) My husband and I spent our 6th marriage anniversary together, and our 9 year anniversary of living together.
I am sitting here reflecting the year so far, and I really have so much to be thankful for. At the time, I didn't see everything I had going for me, I just focused on the bad.
I can't sit here and say this year has been totally bad. It was terrible on November 6th when my brother died, but that is still very fresh, so I don't really want to get into that. When I think about that, I go to a dark place. I have to take Ativan as needed to cope with that issue still to this day. So, we will skip over that for  now.

So here it is, Christmas time, and my son is 15 months old. I have started to enjoy things again, and started couponing again. My best friend Angela keeps me in line and keeps my head straight. She gets me out and makes me interested in my life again. We are going to start working out together, so I'll get that back.
I also stated working on becoming debt free. This use to be very important to me, and once I hit my horrible depression state, I just gave up caring. I started charging everything again, and not caring about being late. I am snapping out of it now.
I started another 24 day challenge to lose this excess weight. I did so well the first time, then when Jack died, it went to hell. I care about myself again, so I want to be healthy again.
Healthy physically and financially.
Also, this year I am dedicating to being more involved with my husband and kids. They have tried to help me overcome this time, and I owe them for putting up with my neurotic behavior. I WILL make time for my family.

2014 is going to be my year. My marriage is going to kick ass. I will get into nursing school. I will get accepted into the Vaneep program and NOT have to work. I will get my debt paid off. I will lose weight and be more healthy. And, I will dedicate my extra time to family activities.

I'm back yall. And I am better than ever.