Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A lil bit of this, and a lil bit of poop.

As if I don't work too much, I volunteered to work at the clinic today. I love love love my clinic job... well, I did till today!  Ha, okay, I still love it, but I shoulda stayed home today. LOL  Today, the toilet decided to back up. Not just ANY toilet, the toilet right by the desk I was working. The doctor I was working for went in to do his business *gross* and the toilet died. I guess whatever he had living in his colon decided to poison the toilet and all of Temple's water supply. It was awful. First it wouldn't flush, then it did and decided to vomit it back up... THEN he went BACK into the bathroom an hour later (even though he knew the toilet was dead) and used it again.... only to back it up DOUBLE.. and now there is poopy coming from the drain vent on the floor. This has now become a health hazard. I'm waiting for the plumbers to get here in Hazmat suits. What a crappy day! teehee...   But all jokes aside, that was the worst smell I have ever smelt in my LIFE. I had lotion and tissues up my nose to block out the funk.

The weather has gotten unbelievably cold. There can never be a happy medium here in Texas. Not sure how we went from 90 degrees down to the low 30's in like 3 days. I'm freezing! I don't do well in the cold... hence the name, Summer. I'm not looking forward to going grocery shopping tomorrow.

Speaking of shopping, I am totally excited that I got 9 packs of razors (12 razors in each pack) for FREE yesterday. I love coupons. I won't have to buy razors for awhile. I wish I could pay for gas with coupons. LMAO. I wish I had more coups for food.... I cringe at the thought of paying all that money for food. Too bad we can't live off toilet paper or dish soap! (I have plenty of those things!)

I got bored and cleaned my entire house yesterday and organized it. There are a million other things I SHOULD have done, but I was in one of those "nesting" moods, and felt the need to organize. I made Jaida help, and by noon, she was conked out. We should have homeschooled yesterday, seeing as how I volunteered to work today, but I felt like my house was a cesspool. Ok, maybe not THAT bad, but I feel like it was disgusting. There were dust bunnies on my ceiling waving at me. ...It was awful.

I think I wanna start doing the Biggest Loser diet thingy again. I say this as Im eating a snickers bar. But seriously.. I am gaining too much weight, and I hate to sweat or exercise. I did well with it before! I'm tired of being chunky. I blame it on my Aunts yummy Thanksgiving dinner! I wish I liked meat more. Lots of people seem to be doing amazing on the Atkins diet.

Well, it looks like I need to get back to work. I'm not gettin paid to blog, although, that would be awesome!

Until next time!

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