Transcript- check
Letters of recommendation- check
Proof of employment- check
Copy of Nursing License- check
Copy of membership to PTK- check
Nerves- not check. I am a nervous wreck. I am not sure how I am going to handle the 2 month wait if I am freaking over the application process tomorrow.
I would just like to say that I am thankful I have such wonderful ladies applying with me and enduring the horrible wait along side me. We got this ladies! I cannot wait till we can say, "I got my letter... open yours first!!"
Alright, this post is making me a lil nervous thinking about tomorrow, so I am going to move on to other things. I called the double-dippin agency today. They are refunding what they double-dipped! Sucks that it is going to take 3-5 days, but at least its in the works! I also got a surprise from Best Buy. They are refunding me $25 as they caught a mistake they had made by overcharging me for my Best Buy protection plan. So, I get $170 in refunds this week! Yay!
I have been working so hard to put together my binders. I have the budget one done. I am working on the family one. Today I realized I never ordered my sons birth certificate. So next payday I will do that. And I seem to have lost a shot record, so I will have to order that too. I have created "health sheets" to go behind each of our tabs. I am still working on those. I need to get addresses of dentists, etc.
I also have been working on my coupons. If you read my blog WAY BACK WHEN, I gave a tutorial on how to coupon. I used the binder method back then. But honestly, it became way too tedious to cut out every single coupon and file them in the binders. I switched to the tote method. I have hanging folders, and I file the inserts by date. The problem with that was that when we went grocery shopping, I'd have to go through EVERY months insert to find grocery coupons. None of the grocery stores down here double or triple coupon, so we don't save too much money going to the grocery store. But every bit counts! Most of my stockpile is non-edible items like laundry soap, paper towels, etc. So I got a binder that I use JUST for grocery coupons. It's a small 1" binder that fits in my purse, and I have tabs for pantry items, fridge items, freezer items and so on. It's just easier for me to do it like this. At least I am not clipping every coupon in the insert. Instead, I only clip and file grocery coups.. and I leave the rest to my tote. Win-win.
Anyway, child numba 2 just woke up from his nap! Have a good day! I'll check in tomorrow!
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