I am pretty proud of how organized I've gotten with the budget and family binders. I showed Daniel everything and what to expect.I finally got him excited for the change. I cannot wait to go to Financial Peace University in March. Dave Ramsey has already changed the way I think, and I am desperate for more knowledge!
I am super duper impressed with my daughter lately. 3rd grade so far has been all about change. We are changing and becoming more independent. I no longer have to stand over top of her and help her/read instructions/demonstrate. I set out her assignments and leave her notes on what to do, she does it and I grade it. I still have to explain her math to her and show her examples. AND we do science projects together. But for the most part, she does everything on her own, and I just grade. It has given me a little more time to work with my son on his words. We sing, do sign language and go over words. I guess its like I am homeschooling him right now too, just not so extreme. I even have time to clean a little and make lunch. These are things I am not really use to. Since homeschooling began, my entire day has been taken up with Jaida's school, my school then me going to work. I never really had much time for anything else.. which made my days off a nightmare as I had to catch up on laundry, run errands, clean my house, try to catch up on Jaida's assignments we missed and all the other mom stuff I never had time for. I have mixed feelings about this though. Part of me is jumping for joy! And part of me is sad that my baby is growing up. Pretty soon she wont need me at all. The thought of that makes my stomach hurt.
So, I officially have 59 days till I find out my nursing fate. This wait is worse than pregnancy! At least during pregnancy the end result is a baby. I cannot guarantee I will get into the program when my wait is over. All I can hope for is the best. *Fingers crossed*
But enough about me!
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