My poor son has had a rough few days! The other day while homeschooling Jaida, he climbed to the top of her desk. He does this sometimes while she reads, and I think its cute because he sits still and listens to her read. He loves it. I never thought of it as a problem because I her desk is against the wall, he's doing it to get closer to her while she reads and because I am ALWAYS in the room. Except for the other day. I left the room for MAYBE 1 minute. Just long enough to let my dog outside to pee. Apparently Thor climbed atop Jaida's desk while she was reading. They then began to have an altercation over a bag of Jade's cheetos, and he attempted to grab the bag and run, only to topple over HEAD FIRST in between the desk and the shelf unit that is sitting almost against the desk. he landed upside down on a metal bar. Scared the bejeezus out of me. He had a dent where he landed, but he never really cried. Long story short, I asked my husband to keep an eye on him while I went to work that evening, and he let him sleep the entire time I was away. When I came home from work, he had just woken up but began puking. First on me, then everywhere. By the time we had arrived to the hospital, he had thrown up 13 times. He ended up getting a CT scan at 3 am, but it came back normal. Doc said he had a small concussion, and just to monitor him. He was fine, but I think sitting in that waiting room, he contracted something. Diarrhea started the day after, and now its like water. His poor little butt is raw and bleeding. I have tried everything! Well, except one thing. A coworker of mine just texted me a homeopathic remedy. I am going to try this as soon as my lil guy wakes up, and if it works, I'll let yall know!
I had to go to the store earlier to get something for this stinkin Cedar Fever! While I was there, I came across a diaper cream called Anti-Monkey Butt. Naturally I had to get it. I put that on Thor as soon as I gave him an oatmeal bath. Hopefully one of these remedies will kick in. I hate the fact he cant even sit down. It hurts to watch my kids suffer. That, and it really sucks to be sick at the same time as your husband and kids. I still have to hold down the fort. Everyone knows a sick husband is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. He whines, he sniffles, he asks for water, asks for a napkin, wants me to bring him medicine. He wanted me to rub his back while he was puking. He called me to come into the bedroom from the other side of the house to ask me to turn off the fan. I'm not bitter or anything, but goodness. And now Jaida is acting just like him. Someone rescue me? If there is one thing around here that aint nobody got time for, its that.
Speaking of time, school starts day after tomorrow. I am ready to get this done so I can forget about my countdown to March 14, and stay busy. 54 days isn't so bad, right?
Anyway, I think I am going to get off here and try to get my little sicklies to bed.
Until next time!
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