Friday, January 3, 2014

First paycheck and some side hustle..

Ahhhh. My first paycheck of budgeting! I paid my December mortgage, my December car pay, my college network loan that was late, AND all the first of the month bills. Score. I was able to pick up a few groceries, and hubbs was able to get his Whey protein. Sad thing is that we only have about $60 to last us till our next paycheck, but everything is paid!!! So, I am most definitely good! It feels good being OFFICIALLY caught up. I cannot wait till I can say that about being done with credit cards and loans!
I have some exciting news to top being caught up on bills. My friend and coworker, Karen, has invited me to attend Financial Peace University with her! Our classes will start in March. I am so giddy and excited to learn as much as I can about money and debt. Dave Ramsey has really changed my life. I have seen the errors of my ways, and am determined to change. Plus, I now have Karen to go through this journey with me, so I always have a support system. Now I just need to work on getting my best friend involved. You hear that Angela?! I'm comin for YOU!!!
I mentioned before I have been stalking reading other finance blogs. Just about every one of them has a side hustle to make extra money. I have been thinking about what I could do to side hustle. I use to do photography as a side job, but I just don't have time for that with my work schedule now. I also sell Advocare, but that stuff is super expensive, and not too many people are up to buy it. I have had a few people ask me to make them budget sheets and other random sheets, so I thought maybe I could sell those since I am good at making them. A few friends of mine are having yard sales to sell their stuff, but I really like my stuff. I don't really know what I will end up doing, but I'm sure I will figure something out.
Speaking of budget sheets, I brought my binders and stuff to work with me tonight so I can put them together during my down time...... or if you are a coworker of mine reading this, by down time, I totally mean LUNCH.... not during the time I am sitting behind the nursing desk. ha
I am kinda excited to get them started, so I am going to say ta-ta for now!

I will upload pictures of the finished product later!


  1. That is so funny that you are budgeting because I am too. I told my family no eating out until I get things under control. Good luck with this. I know you can do it.
