Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I have been looking into doing household "binders" for a little while now. I just don't have a lot of time to devote to things like that. The reason I started thinking to do that is because heaven forbid something happen to me, my poor hubbs would not know what to do. With a binder setup, like the one below, things would be pretty self explanatory.

One of my goals for this year was to try to meal plan. I am not sure I would use the "Blog" binder, but the house, budget, meal plan and emergency ones would benefit me. 
I got this idea from Stacy's Savings Blog. I am huge on organization, so this idea really sticks out to me. I kinda wish Staples was open at midnight, cause I would totally go get the stuff I need to get this done. I think I need to hint around to my husband to buy me a label maker too. 

Budget Binder
I made my own budget worksheet that works for me. But, once I start paying down things, it will change quite a bit. So, I won't print out ones for each month until its time. I don't want to print out blank ones either, because I hate my handwriting, and printing just looks so much neater. 
I don't really see a need for the Expense Detail page Stacy listed, but I might print one just in case. You never know when you go out to eat on a whim, or spend money on clothes on a whim. I know that I am using this year not to do these things, but I am only human after all, so the opportunity may arise. At least having this sheet in my budget binder will help me keep up with times like that. 
The Bill Pay Checklist is probably my favorite page yet. You print one page for the entire year, and check off the bills as they are paid for the month. 
Then, I will definitely use the monthly calendar. This is the page I feel will help my husband the most if something were to happen to me. He would know the dates each bill is due. 
Seems fool proof enough, right? 
Also, I really like the idea of using baseball card holders to store all the cards. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE having the page in the back for account logins. He will have no excuse to not pay bills if it comes down to it!

House Binder, mine would be Family Binder
Now, this binder I would do completely different. I already have the Weekly Cleaning Schedule and To-Do Lists hanging on my command center with a calendar and a dry erase board. I don't need to do this twice. However, in my Family binder, I would have sections for each of us in the family. In those sections, I would have page protectors with our birth certificates, important papers, etc. 
I'd also include a section for our vehicle info, HOA information, important things regarding our house, etc. I'll have to think of more things to include in this binder that would be family related. 
I'm up for ideas! 

The more I look at the Emergency Binder, the more I think I could just combine it with the Family Binder. That way, I can put all of our doctors, dentists, etc under each of our sections.  

So, I really only need to buy 3 of these binders. 
This is going to be one of my first projects this year. That, and getting my dad to install shelves in my office. I need space up high to store important documents so my curious 1 year old doesn't get them and rip them to pieces, as he has done so much of my other documents. 

Anyone have any thoughts? 

*****Edit. I have gotten so many questions asking about the budget I made and the sheets I use, so I made an Etsy store to sell them!
Happy savings!

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