I'm not sure really what it was.. flu, gastroenteritis, Ebola. Who knows. All I do know is that is was the most horrible experience ever. It's bad enough being sick on your own, or seeing your kids sick. But, my husband was sick. I don't even have to say much else, because ALL wives out there know what I mean. He was whinier than my 2 kids. He moaned and groaned and whined. I literally had to tell him to shut up before I suffocated him out of his misery. Sick 8 year old, sick 1 year old who wouldn't stop pooping everywhere, sick 29 year old BABY and then sick me. When moms get sick, no matter how crap-tastic we feel, we still are the ones left to deal with the kids. And for some reason, my kids hate sleeping, especially while sick. My son learned how to remove his diaper and poop on the floor. Fun times. I felt really bad for him though, because the poor baby pooped so much his butt was raw and bleeding. We went through 22 diapers in one day, because he just wouldn't stop. And when he wasn't pooping, he was puking. What a mess.
Jaida ran a high fever the entire time and just laid around. When she started feeling better, she helped me take care of the baby. She's such a good helper when she wants to be. However, if you interrupt her during a game or when she is on her phone, it's like you asked her to walk on hot coals. She gets angry. Much like her dad. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I am sick of talking about our plague, so lets move on to another subject.School started Tuesday!! Wow, I feel so out of touch. It feels like I haven't blogged in forever. I already took 3 quizzes, and made 100's on all of them. I am trying to stay ahead. One of my classes is awesome, and allows you to take quizzes and do homework whenever, as long as you keep up with the due dates. So, I have already taken Week 1 quiz and week 2 quiz for that class. I am going to try to get that class done and over with. My Business writing class is a little different. She only lets you do one week at a time. She wont even let you see what is due next week to allow you to get ahead. Her class is going to take forever! I like getting things done early, especially when I have down time.
Oh well, at least one of my classes I can hurry through. I am mainly just trying to stay busy while waiting on my acceptance letter. The English-Business writing class is a class that I would have needed while in the bridge program. I'm just getting it out of the way so I can focus all of my time on my actual nursing classes. The other class is a First -Aid class. Why am I taking that you ask? Because I needed a class worth 3 credits to allow me to get my reimbursement money for tuition, and it will be an easy A. Plus, you can never learn too much about first aid as a nurse. Maybe this class will teach me new tricks, and keep things fresh in my mind. Besides, it was the only other "health" type class I could find that was online and available. All it can do is boost my GPA more!
I cannot wait to be paid again. (next week!) I can start socking money into an emergency savings fund and I am going to pay off my V/S credit card. I think I have changed my mind about slicing up the cards. I never want to be in this situation again. I will never again buy anything on credit... ever again! Whats the point in holding on to the card? So in a moment of weakness, I can go charge things I don't need and fall back into the credit card trap again? I don't think so. I am done! February will be a good month for us, we will get income tax, my school reimbursement, my husbands KPI bonus (about $400) and I will get my raise from work. Things are looking up. I am going to take all of the money I get, pay off as much as I can while putting $1000 aside for emergencies. My plan is coming together! I love it!!
Well, I am going to go do some homework.
Until next time!!