Im guessing Jaida has been extra sensitive lately due to her infection, but she got mad at her dad the other night and said she "was never ever talking to him again." In her defense, he is a grouch sometimes and doesnt think before he yells. He also doesnt think of how it will affect a 6 yr old girl. We decided to start giving her some simple chores so she can learn responsibility. He asked her that night to clean the area in the kitchen where the dog bowls are. So, she, trying to show him she could do a good job, attempted to wash the dog food bowl mat in the sink. (the dishes were a tad piled up cuz I was having a lazy day) anyway, she put water on the mat to wash it, and some water fell on the floor and daddy got mad. He asked her why she always had to create bigger messes than there was originally. She didnt even have a chance to prove that.she would have cleaned up the water, cuz as soon as it hit the floor, he got upset. But to his defense, she is well known for making messes and not cleaning them up. So, anyway, his comment hurt her feelings, and she cried. I told her that boys were just born rude, and they never think before they speak. She said she had given him a thousand chances, and she was never talking to him ever again. So the rest of the night went a lil something like this:
Daddy: Jaida, would you like some ramen?
Jaida: Mommy, tell daddy yes, I would.
Mommy (me): daddy, Jaida says yes she would.
Daddy: J, you cant be mad at me forever.
Jaida: Mommy, tell daddy yes I can.
Me: Yes she can daddy.
Until he tricked her into talking, and she got mad at herself. Lol
Anyway, I need to get back to my 16 hour shift at work! Till next time!!
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