Monday, December 19, 2011


A couple months ago, Jaida was watching one of her favorite shows, Invader Zim. I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't watching it too, because since I became a mom, I have reverted back to kid state, and I'm pretty sure I have only watched enough adult type shows to count on one hand. So, hubs and I have grown to love Jaida's kid shows. Hubs even likes Wizards of Waverly Place. It is sad how much him and I laugh while watching that show together... I mean, with Jaida. Teehee. Anyway, my life seems to revolve around Jaida's show schedules. It is really kinda scary how much she likes Invader Zim. And how much it impacts her while the morals of the stories stick. So, a few months ago we were watching Invader Zim, and it was an episode about germs. In fact, I am pretty sure it was titled that. In the show, Zim gets a pair of glasses that allows him to see germs, and there are so many that he carries a disinfecting spray and sprays down everything while being terrified. It was actually pretty funny. Now, keep in mind this episode was seen MONTHS ago, maybe even close to a year ago. So, the other night, we are getting ready for bed, and Jaida tells me that she saw on Dateline NBC that they had a special camera that allowed you to see spills and gross stuff like germs. She is going on and on and on about this, and I'm half tuning her out, because frankly, I was tired... and I seem to do that to her alot. If you spent any kind of time with my daughter, you would know exactly my reasoning. Her 2 seconds stories usually end up being about 10 minutes long. She has so many "uhms" and "what was I saying?" in her stories, that by the time she is done, you are so confused, you don't even know what the story started out as. Therefore, I tune her out a lot, and most the time just nod. Usually, when I tune back in, she is still talking. 
But, back to the story (see how I just pulled a Jaida?  hahahaha)  
A few nights later, I was trying to take some pics with my hubs phone. His phone is way cooler than mine, his has a flash. And I happen to see a pic of our dog, only he has a huge blue spot on it. So, naturally, I am thinking Jaida put koolaid or something on him, so I open the pic, which turns out to be a video. As soon as I saw it, I realized what was wrong. The camera/video on the phone was set on "posterize."  In case you have no idea what I am talking about, I have the definition from Wiki:

Posterization is a process in photograph development which converts normal photographs into an image consisting of distinct, but flat, areas of different tones or colors. A posterized image often has the same general appearance, but portions of the original image that presented gradual transitions are replaced by abrupt changes in shading and gradation from one area of tone to another. 

Ok, so basically, when there is light present in a video/photo, the color is changed.. and they are pretty bold. For example, part of our dog was blue. And there were green spots on our hard wood floor where the light was reflecting...    Are you catching on to the theme of germs?   Let me just show you the video. Jaida had no idea that the camera was set on "posterize" so to her, she had just discovered a camera setting that showed "germs." She even tries to clean them.   

Darn you Invader Zim and Dateline NBC!!  She was freakin out while I was tuning her out during her story about germs. She kept telling me they were everywhere. The whole time, I was thinking back to the episode we watched, never really understanding the seriousness of her logic. She literally thought our house was covered in germs. 

Funniest. Video. Ever. (If you can stand the shakiness of the video, and her non-stop cleaning "germs" attempts) OH!!! & at the end, she doesn't say a curse word, she says, "Die you filthy germs."   yeah.... I had to listen to it a few times, cause she almost got her mouth washed out with soap.

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