Ok, can someone please tell me why I'm wiggin out over free duct tape?! Its not like I ever use it.. ok, so maybe I use it a LITTLE, but not alot... to the point I got all excited and did a happy lil "free duct tape" dance. I guess if anyone ever needs duct tape, I'm their girl! ha
For some reason, I've been crazy LAZY this week. I'm not sure what the eff is going on. I wish I could get back on my Vyvanse. When I took that, I never sat still. Although, the whole point of Vyvanse was to calm me down. And, it took me down a few notches from my normal hyper self. But, I got SOOOOO much more stuff done when I was on it. My house was always clean, I was motivated to get off my couch and do activities with my daughter, her movement didn't drive me crazy, etc. I must be a lil bass-ackwards, cause I literally worked 40 hours from Fri-Sun, Monday I was so energized I organized and cleaned my house (although you wouldnt be able to tell that I did if you looked at it today,) got my daughter caught up on school work, made dinner, AND went to bed super late..... just to get up Tuesday and go to work at the clinic and not be tired! It was amazing.. but my ball of energy has slowly stopped rolling, because today, I feel like crawling back in bed and sleeping for a week. It sucks to feel like this today cause my work "week" starts now. I work 8 hours tonight, a 16 hour tomorrow, a 16 hour on Sunday, then a 9 hour on Monday. (The Monday shift was one I volunteered for earlier this week during my energy high.) I could slap myself for it now.
I'm pretty sure I have taken this extreme couponing thing to a new level. I realize I need Coupon-Anonymous. I counted my coups last night, during my nightly "clean-up and organize my coup binder venture" and I have about 4000 coups. And, it seriously breaks my heart when one expires. I feel like I am burying one of my pets. Isn't that pathetic? Anyway, NOW I freakin need a new binder thats bigger, cause my lil 2" binder no longer closes...thanks to all my coups. Maybe I'll tell my hubbo to buy me a binder for xmas. That would probably be the BEST gift ever.. so, if you are reading this hub, you now know. <3
I know that it JUST started getting cold here in Texas, but I'm ready for spring. I need to get some pictures of my kiddo, and I just don't like the ugly background of dead leaves and funky leafless trees. I took some super cute xmas pics of the family I work for, and it got me wanting to get back into my photography a little. Maybe not for strangers, but my family and my close friends. I love taking pictures. I found a backdrop set that I wanted to get, but I gotta make a lil money first before I wanna start buying stuff for my camera.
Speaking of money, I started reading the Total Money Makeover, and it is seriously changing the way I look at money. What an amazing book!! I have already started working on my "money makeover" and hopefully within 6 months, Danny and I will have NO more debt other than our house & car payment. Of course, I am going to start working on paying both of those things off early, but for RIGHT NOW, I am paying off everything else. Even if it leaves me no money to have fun with. I am determined!
You know how earlier I said I was lazy? Well, I am too lazy to upload any pics today OR continue writing/typing/whatever. So, until next time! This is so sad!
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