My kids really enjoyed opening presents. My daughter has not put down her 3DS yet. My son was perfectly content unwrapping his presents and playing with the boxes. They really had a great day. I am so glad. I remember, before I became a nurse, there were times I worried I wouldn't be able to afford food, let alone presents. I am so glad my son came after nursing school, because there would be no way we could have afforded 2 kids at the time. Having him at 28 made a huge difference. We had Jaida right after we both turned 20, and we struggled. Plus, she taught us so much about being parents. We have so much more patience now. I feel as if I have the best 2 kids ever, but I am sure that is how every parent feels. I have so many dates to look forward to. First, I am so excited for next pay day so I can start my debt repayment journey. I can't really think of a time I have been excited to pay off debt. I have read so many personal finance blogs, read and reread my Dave Ramsey book and done so much research on the topic, I am freakin pumped to begin my journey. Secondly, I apply to the nursing bridge program in 13 days!!! I am excited for that day to get here, but anxious toward the fact once I turn in my application, I have to wait till March 14 to get my acceptance/denial letter. That is going to be the most horrible wait. At least I have my friends to endure it with me, as they are applying at the same time! We will just have to keep each other busy. I thought about getting a gym membership, then I remembered I was on a debt-free journey. Short term memory loss at its finest.
Today was the 3rd day of my 24 day challenge. I don't feel like I have made much progress yet. By the 3rd day of my first challenge, I had lost 4 lbs. I don't think I've lost but 2 so far. I think I need to step up my game. I did work out yesterday with my hubbs. We did shoulders and arms. I was hoping to work out again today, but he ate himself into a food coma. Maybe he will wake up in a little while, and we can work out a little more. Every little bit counts, right?
I think I am going to get off here for a bit and clean up my living room. It looks like a tornado threw up in there.
Until next time!
SN: if anyone is on a diet, and struggles with eating carby type meals/snacks, Carb-Ease is awesome!
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