Hubbs and I will be working out legs tonight, so I am semi-excited about that. I hate working out arms. I know it will benefit me more in my job if I strengthen the muscles in my arms, but for the first few days, my arms are like sore jello. It's pretty sad that I can't even do 2 pushups. Yes, thats right. I can't even do 2. I am a failure!!
I was never overweight as a kid. I was super athletic and in to everything. It wasn't until my daughter was born that I gained all of my weight. I became a fat, lazy blob. Then, when nursing school happened.... well, it was the most stressful and complicated time of my life, and I found comfort in snacking on yum-yums. Those yum yums have gotten me about 50 pounds overweight. 50 pounds that I want to lose!! I am on a mission now. If my super thin hubbs can lose 90 pounds in 1 year, I can lose 50. I am making him hold me accountable.
I actually had the day off today. It was nice. I was pretty lazy, honestly. Sometimes we need to be a little lazy. I did have the house picked up, but once my son woke up, he whipped out his Christmas prezzies and blew that all to heck. Now it once again looks like there was a toy explosion in my living room. I'll procrastinate on cleaning up until he is asleep. Cleaning the house while kids are awake is like brushing your teeth with Oreos. I love that saying. It's so true.
One thing that I did manage to do today was call and schedule payments for the 2 bills I have past due. Next paycheck is going to be tight as I have my mortgage to pay, my car payment, our cell phones and catching up on 2 bills I didn't get a chance to pay this month.
I made myself a payment calendar to remind me of what is due for the entire month of January, and when I would be paying extra on a specific thing. First things first, pay off the late bills. I love having a plan and sticking to it.
I can't believe that in 12 days I will be applying for the bridge. I am so nervous/excited/not sure how to feel! I keep forgetting that class starts for my other classes on January 21, so I will have that to keep me occupied until our acceptance letters get sent.
I wish I could fast forward to March 14, be 30 pounds lighter and get my acceptance letter NOW.
Patience is not my virtue.
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