One quirk about my Jaida-bear is that she loves gaming. She is definitely her fathers daughter. Those 2 share a huge desk with 2 computers side by side. If I let them, they would be on the computer forever. She tells me if I got her a chair that converted to a toilet and had a place for snacks, she would never get up. As much as I hate that, I have to admit, it has really taught her quite a bit. In first grade, she had a hard time spelling. Now, the girl can spell almost anything I throw out at her. She learned a huge amount from Minecraft, and has already beaten the game "Skyrim." She's quite a kid. She tells me stories about dragons, trolls, and giants. Her imagination is amazing. She has to use money in these games, and learn to make money to buy things. So, she can count well and talks about purchases. She talks about places from Minecraft, and has learned to follow rules, learned about government and how to talk to people.
As much as I hate the fact she is a gamer, I love that she has learned so much. Her vocabulary is great. One of my favorite things is when I read to her about a place, and she already knows a little about it from one of her games. Games have also made her an excellent reader. In first grade, we had some issues, but now she reads a level above what she is suppose to.
I guess I can't say much. Her dad is exceptionally smart. He has been a gamer for MANY many years. At first I hated it. But it is a way of life for him it seems, so I have come to accept it. Now it is a part of our daughter. I knew she was something special when Daniel had her on the computer at 4. She beat the game "Plants vs Zombies" by HERSELF. At age 4. I had her playing on, but she whizzed through those activities, so Daniel got her gaming.
And that brings us to today. See, I mentioned that I homeschool Jaida. Well, the program we use is Calvert. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it. Most people think of homeschooling being for religious people, and all about the Bible. I am not religious at all. In fact, I do not like most of the religion based homeschool curriculum's because they do not teach Science. Calvert was one of the only secular curriculum's that I liked. I am a very organized person, and Calvert gives you all the books and materials you need with a teachers manual that tells you what to teach each day, what materials to use, and so on. Calvert had everything I was looking for. I don't even mind paying $1400 every year. I don't have to pay for lunches, I don't have to buy school supplies and I don't have to worry about bullying or any of that other school mess. So, it really was a win-win for me.
Anyway, included in her homeschool curriculum is a keyboarding class. I know Jaida probably doesn't need the keyboarding class since she plays so much on the computer, but I want her to know the right way to type. So I make her do the lessons. After all, the curriculum cost $1400. ha.
Jaida thinks she is too smart for this 3rd grade keyboarding class. She probably is. But, she has to do it anyway. Here is how todays lesson transpired.
At first, I am the meanest mom ever. She says, "I shouldn't have to do this baby stuff. I totally surf youtube and chat on minecraft. I even beat Skyrim. This is so dumb."
Apparently both of my children have amazing imaginations.
Best. Kids. Ever.
Happy New Year everyone!!!!!
Then comes the, "Oh. Em. Gee. Mom. Look how babified this stuff is! I can't believe 3rd graders don't already know this crap."
Then, I make a game out of it. I tell her if she can type everything on the exercises they are giving her WITHOUT looking at the keyboard, I'll give her a dollar.
I can't believe she freakin did it. So, she tells me, "IN YO FACE!!!"
I guess she told me.
So then, when we are done with the lesson, I have to turn her desk on its side. Otherwise, my 1 year old will climb and try to do some Evil Kin-evil type stuff. So, I come back into to office to find this:
Best. Kids. Ever.
Happy New Year everyone!!!!!