Ok, my baby is growing up! We have our first loose tooth! Well, actually she has 2 of them, but one is so stinking loose, it is literally sitting crooked!
My daughter decided she didn't want to be toothless, so she literally started growing her 2 permanent teeth first, THEN her 2 bottom teeth became wiggly. I think people call this shark teeth?
She won't let me pull her oh-so-wiggly-tooth, so I have to hear her complain everytime she eats! I keep telling her it will only take 2 seconds, but alas... she thinks it will be the most excruciating pain imaginable.
I told her stories of when I was little, my big brother would tie string to mine and pull them out... so now she wants Uncle Ricky to come pull hers out too. I'm assuming his pull method would be less painful than mine?
I have tried to get her to eat chewy things, offered her $10 AND tried to pull it out in her sleep, and none of these things works. Actually, the sleep method almost got me kicked in the face. Yep.
Not sure how many others have experienced "shark tooth," but apparently it is common. Her dentist said those 2 front ones would eventually fall out and the permanent ones that have already sprouted, will take their place.
We will see.
I should just leave them alone, but they are bothering the crap outta me! I want the stinkin wiggly tooth out of her mouth so she can quit complaining and eat!
Here's a pic! You can see for yourself!!
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